
a thing that is known or proved to be true


the atmosphere that seems to surround and be generated by a person, place or thing

What… Factaura

Factaura is an organization with the goal of generously “sprinkling” facts, including references, in popular online places, such as social media platforms, ….


It needs doing.
“Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government” — Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was one of many who recognize democracy requires a well informed citizenry.
Social media platforms are places for not merely social interaction, but also information, education, etc. Unfortunately, these platforms have become polluted with misinformation. The platform owners are working on cleaning up their environments by preventing the spread of misinformation, which is noble, but a no win situation. On the other hand, the platform owners do nothing significant to foster the spreading of facts, or primary source information.
Factaura’s goal is to do so.


In their own time and own volition, various people in and around Sebosis, LLC have been noodling around understanding how best to inform the general population of facts. Many ideas came and went. Some implementations began, but fell flat. The Factaura goal and current implementations have gained traction internally and have been blossoming.


Within the group, the seeds of how to spread quality information, in order for it to compete with misinformation, have been germinating over a decade. Today’s internally successful ideas and implementations have been in development since February 2016. Some failed implementation attempts started as early as January 2007. Around February 2018 the “Factaura” name and production implementation sprung forth. In February 2018 the ideas started becoming more refined and the current implementation began. We are enhancing and refining that fundamental idea to this day.


This paragraph has yet to be written, and “how” rapidly evolving.